Friday, July 25, 2008

Rickles meowing on subway

Im listening to an interview on NPR with Don Rickles, a comedian who goes back to the 50s, a funny guy. It reminds me of an interesting story about Don Rickels from about 3 years ago.

I was on the subway in Manhattan, I think the Lexington Ave train, going to visit Nikki for lunch. I heard what sounded like a cat meowing under some of the peoples legs that were sitting down. The train was quite, no one was talking and every 15 seconds or so you heard a loud meow sound. A couple of ladies actually got up and started looking around the ground thinking the cat was under their legs. I realized this was a person making the meow sound. I looked a everyones faces and saw this short, older guy with large, black sunglasses on about 15 feet away. I keep and eye on him then saw him quickly put his hand over his mouth and throw his voice toward the (by now very upset) women. I have never seen anyone throw their voice before but this guy was extremely talented at it, it really sounded like the meow was coming from the floor. I started laughing a little, looking at him, he looked towards me when I laughed. He stopped at that point and got off at the next stop. About 10 minutes later I realized he (excluding his eyes of course) looked familiar, then it popped in my head, "That was Don Rickles" (I used to watch a lot of 60s and 70s sitcoms re-runs as a kid). When I got home I googled his image to a current photo and sure enough I had just seen Don Rickles playing a joke on people on the subway!

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