Sunday, May 16, 2010

The new house so far

Here are some photos from the new house. The photo of Zoe walking on a trail is a nature trail we can walk to. We've been busy planting and slowly getting unpacked.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Zoe's Story

Zoe asked me to type this story as she told it. It's called "The Doodle Bug Cage Game"

zoe went home one day. and she came across a hat shop and her went inside it. and what did she see in there? a bee! and what did she see under the bee? a fly! and under the fly was a mosquito! and there was a tiger and a rabbit and a bug trainer. and the bug trainer is when they get bugs and put them on the train and takes the bugs for a ride. they went for a hide on a boat. and there's a little tiny doodle bug and it crawled into the ocean and the got it and put in a cage and they bring it home and decided to keep him as a pet. then he decided to eat some leaves. so zoe went out to get some leaves. then zoe put them in a cage and take a nap. but when zoe was about to get into bed she heard the doodle bug said "help, help!" and she looked in the cage and the doodle bug was sick. then she had a glass of water. the end.