Wednesday, October 17, 2007


VP Dick Cheney, and presidential hopeful Barack Obama are distant cousins. This isnt that suprising, really. Franklin D Roosevelt was related to over 10 other presidents. It seems a lot of presidents and other high ranking politicians, not all, but a lot, have a branch of the family tree that leads to another president, another senator, another whatever. Is there a hint of nepotism in national politics? Hillary Clinton with her husband, GW Bush with his dad and brother in Florida, Obama with his distant cousin VP Cheney? Look at this photo of the last presidential hopeful John Kerry and the guy on our $10 bill, Alexander Hamilton and tell me they aren't related!

With our two parties most likely to be nominated, republicans AND democrats, is our choice really that varied? Whats wrong with a 3rd or 4th choice? Why not un-simplify our Hobson's Choice a little and get some other parties in there, different voices? Maybe look outside the presidential gene pool a little? You know what happens when cousins marry, right? The children are a little on the dumb side. And it only gets worse as generations go by. Hmmm, look at our political leaders today.
Ok-Im done with my monthly political rant, sorry. I really should be at work right now.

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