Sunday, October 7, 2007

Taking our Wild Cous-Cous Eater to the Park

We took Zoe to the Arbor Hills Nature Preserve yesterday and today....maybe I should start this another way. We just moved from Grapevine to our new place in Plano. Nikki and I are both very tired. There are a lot of boxes sitting in the living room and we still have a lot of to-dos to do. Nikki and I thought, "Hey why dont we start a blog, that makes sense, we can unpack and sleep later". Zoe has been a little upset about the move, probably because of all the change. Right now we are trying to get into our new routine and get everything set up. After our 15 trips a day to Whole Foods across the street we thought it would be fun to get out and do something that didn't involving buying tofu, so we went to the Arbor Hills Nature Preserve in Plano. Its a park that has big playground, trails, very nice. Its about the only part of Plano that isn't a McMansion village or a SuperTarget/SuperWalmart/SuperWhatever. On Saturday we walked around for a while until Zoe decided it was time to go. She must have been tired because she is likes to be outside. Today we decide to go again, this time we spent all our time on the playground, Zoe climbed the jungle gym, swung on the swings, or swinged, swang, however you say it, and had a great time. After that we came back to our place and fixed some cous-cous, and Zoe had a grand time eating and decorating herself, mommy and daddy with it. All in all we are starting to get settled into the new place.

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