Friday, December 4, 2009

Funny things Zoe has said recently

I (Skip) was in the living room with Zoe and Paige. Paige was making a lot of noise while Zoe was trying to watch one of her videos. Zoe asked if I could put Paige in the other room and then come back and sit with her. I told I need to be in the same room with Paige. The she asked if I could put Paige in the exersaucer (a big toy Paige sits in a plays by herself, only last for about 10 minutes or so). I told Zoe Paige had already been in the exersaucer and probably wouldn't want to go back in. Then she asked, "Can you put her back inside Mommy?"

Recently Paige has started crawling, and almost every time she crawls straight for Zoe. The other day Zoe was drawing and Paige started crawling towards her with a big smile on her face.
Zoe-"Paige is scary".
Mommy "Why is Paige scary?"
Zoe-"Because she is moving around"

Zoe doesn't like to talk on the phone. Recently Nikki's mom asked to talked to Zoe, Zoe got on the phone and said rather quickly, "Hello, Mommy has a cold sore..goodbye" and handed the phone back to Nikki.

Me: Zoe , would you like some soup?
Zoe: No, I'm too happy to eat soup.

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