Sunday, May 3, 2009

I never thought there would ever be a movie about this place

My parents and all my grandparents come from this tiny county in the Appalachian mountains of West Virginia called Boone County. I strongly associate this part of West Virginia with my childhood. I try to visit this little hideaway once a year, Nikki has been with me about 4 times I think, and we will be taking the whole family again this fall. One of the things I really like about my grandparents place is that it’s right beside a mountain creek, with 2 small waterfalls within earshot. If you get up really early in the morning and go outside, there is usually fog, and about ten thousand birds signing. At night sometimes you can hear bears rustling in the woods. Wild turkeys and deer are common.

The whole community relies on coal production for its economy. They have places back in the mountains called "hollers", which I still don’t fully understand. Some of the hollers you don’t even want to drive up because it can be dangerous with the type of people who live there, people who deal a lot with moonshine, drugs, guns, ect.
This little section of WV was kind of like my secret, no one knew that it even really existed.

So I get this email from my mom. The guys who made the movie Jackass teamed up with MTV to make a documentary on a crazy family who lives in a holler in Boone County. I couldn’t believe it.

The family is called the Whites, and I have met one of them, a guy named Bob White who use to work for my grandfather.

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