Wednesday, May 27, 2009

One Month

This is my letter to my two girls one month after they had been sisters. I meant to post this when Paige turned one month old. We've been a bit busy and sleep deprived since then :) I'm still working on posting Paige's birth story. Stay tuned and please excuse the typos...

Paige - you're 4 weeks old! You're doing a great job adjusting to this strange and wonderful world. I wanted to write a few words down about your first month on the outside before my memory melts everything together into one big blob. When you were a day old Daddy and I were amazed by how alert you were. You made direct eye contact with us. Your eyes are intense. You're look seemed to ask "Where am I and what the hell is going on?" I think that you must have come from some place this is very different from this world. You nursed like a pro right off the start, and about every hour until my milk came in. Then you got the "milk drunk" baby thing. 

You've had some problems with gas and maybe some other tummy troubles. Your cry is quite strong and intense. It breaks my heart when you cry and I don't know how to make you feel better. The crying seems to be getting better especially at night. I'm hoping that your digestive system is maturing and won't bother you as much any more. I also suspect that you're sensitive to cow's milk like I am, so I'm cutting it out of my diet for awhile to see if that helps you (Update - it's made a world of difference. At this point, I'm making it official that you're allergic or at least sensitive to cow's milk).

The past couple of weeks I've been watching you discover that you can control your hands. I'm sure this must be quite the wondrous find, similar to if I'd discovered that I could levitate. While I'm changing your diaper you try to grab hold of the stuffed animal duck that Zoe bought you before you were born and the ring toy. You've hit them a couple of times but today (5/5/09) while you were in the bassinet you grabbed the rings and didn't let go. I'm very proud of you little one.

Big sister Zoe, I'm so proud of you, too. You have adapted to life with a newborn faster than I had expected. After Paige was born you were very sensitive to her cries, and understandably so. All of the sudden our quiet house was filled with what seemed like nonstop screaming. After a week or so of getting used to the sound and with the help of Daddy and I explaining that Paige's crying is her way of communicating, you aren't as upset by it anymore. I think you're having the hardest time with Paige not being able to interact. You want to play with her and all she does is eat, sleep and cry. I think you thought that she would be able to do more. Well, soon enough she'll be laughing and smiling and playing peek-a-boo with you (although I'm sure it's forever to you right now). You've also been a big help and doing more things on your own. 

I think you're enjoying having more "Zoe time". Of course, I'm sure its been difficult that Daddy and I are spending so much time with Paige. You're doing a great job. Daddy and I both love you very much.

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